Team speech

Team address

Liaoning JINDA Shengyuan group, as a national key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization and a national high-tech enterprise, has always integrated the enterprise values, development objectives, sense of mission and sense of responsibility into the agricultural development strategy and guidance of governments at all levels, and established the "fertile soil for the benefit of farmers; The core values of the enterprise are "green ecology and benefit mankind", and always take "changing the traditional agricultural fertilization mode, driving scientific and reasonable fertilization, serving modern agriculture, giving crops a reasonable diet, improving crop immunity, reducing crop dependence on pesticides, ensuring the quality of agricultural products and food security, and allowing farmers to continuously increase production and income." For the enterprise's sense of mission and responsibility, drive the development of planting industry and modern agriculture, promote the structural adjustment and reform of agricultural supply side and targeted poverty alleviation, and pay all the wisdom and strength of Tianjin people to accelerate China's comprehensive agricultural modernization and poverty alleviation in poor areas!